In Touch Training of Trainors to Boost Community Reach

Dr. Julian Montano, one of the facilitators of the Kumustahan MHPSS Training, explained that a Kumustahan session is designed for people who experience prolonged adverse events or situations. He mentioned that through a mini study with a specific group going through a stronger adverse experience, it was seen that there was a statistically significant difference of stress levels that pointed to a significant positive change in the participants.

In Touch Community Services (ITCS), together with the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), held another Kumustahan​ Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Training. This Training of Trainers (ToT) was held with a mission of having more In Touch community members be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide a resilience-based psychosocial support and be part of the In Touch Community Response Team. Staff, interns, and volunteers of the ITCS Community participated in this ToT last April 14 and 15 at the Holy Trinity Church Parish Hall.

The Community Support Program of ITCS is fulfilling its goal of duplicating themselves by spearheading this training and empowering the ITCS community to facilitate Kumustahan MHPSS interventions, especially to vulnerable communities. This would be helpful in providing direct care whenever needed, to communities affected by disaster and crisis situations.


Dr. Julian Montano, one of the facilitators of the Kumustahan MHPSS Training, explained that a Kumustahan session is designed for people who experience prolonged adverse events or situations. He mentioned that through a mini study with a specific group going through a stronger adverse experience, it was seen that there was a statistically significant difference of stress levels that pointed to a significant positive change in the participants.

More than just a training Kumustahan MHPSS Training hopes to provide a grounding and enriching experience that serves as a reminder that as humans, it is normal to face challenges. More importantly, it aims to bring out the participants inner strength by building on resiliency.

Are you interested in our Kumustahan MHPSS Training?

 Visit our Community Support Program page to learn more!



New US Regional Psychiatrist Visits In Touch

Keeping In Touch: (from left) In Touch Head of Psychological Services Unit Dr. Julian Montano, Mental Health Services Lead Myrtle Almando, US Embassy Medical Unit rep Mimi Thein, US EMU Regional Medical Officer Psychiatrist Andrea Ross, In Touch Executive Director Mike Calleja, In Touch Foreign Liaison Program relationship managers Marielle Mikkelsen and Daisy Pope-Brien.

In Touch Training of Trainors to Boost Community Reach

Dr. Julian Montano, one of the facilitators of the Kumustahan MHPSS Training, explained that a Kumustahan session is designed for people who experience prolonged adverse events or situations. He mentioned that through a mini study with a specific group going through a stronger adverse experience, it was seen that there was a statistically significant difference of stress levels that pointed to a significant positive change in the participants.

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